Welcome to the Mark West Education Foundation
The Mark West Education Foundation is a separate, nonprofit organization. The mission of the Education Foundation is to enrich educational programs throughout the Mark West Union School District. The Foundation’s goal is to build sustainable, ongoing resources for the district by developing partnerships with our diverse community in order to ensure quality educational opportunities for our students and staff.
By partnering with our local businesses and community, the MWUSD Education Foundation provides funding through educational grants which directly benefit the Mark West School District’s students, staff, and programs.
2023-2024 Music Program
Dear Parents,
Music classes are available to all students in the Mark West Union School District.
TK, K, 1st-, and 2nd-grade students will receive music classes during the following trimesters at each school: 1st trimester at Riebli, 2nd trimester at San Miguel, and 3rd trimester at Mark West. Classes will attend 10 weekly half-hour sessions that include singing, moving, listening, composing/improvising, and reading/writing music. Students will learn a variety of musical concepts (e.g. beat, rhythm, pitch, melody, etc.) through fun, hands-on activities and play.
3rd-grade classes will learn to play the recorder in 10 weekly half-hour music classes during the following trimesters at each school: 1st trimester at Riebli, 2nd trimester at San Miguel, and 3rd trimester at Mark West. These recorder classes will culminate in a short concert performance for family and friends to attend or to watch online depending on pandemic restrictions.
4th-, 5th-, and 6th-grade students have the opportunity to learn an instrument or to sing in a chorus for the school year. Music classes are voluntary in these grades, and in order to participate, parents must sign up their child(ren) in August. Weekly half-hour music classes take place primarily between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. in the music room at each school site with a few exceptions. Please read the Music Signup Packet for more information about the 4th-6th grade music program: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ofv58H9XUvNqZuZFIePwl9roBrZpynY3/view?usp=sharing
Contact the Mark West Ed. Foundation
Email: mwef@mwusd.org
Phone: (707)524-2970
Address: 305 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa, Ca 95404
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